Work is expected to begin soon for the adaptive reuse of the Historic Core Parmalee Building.
The six-story building, located at 720 S. Broadway, will see its upper floors converted to creative offices, while existing ground-floor retail space will be retained and improved upon. DTLA Rising reported in 2015 that plans call for 32 live/work lofts, averaging approximately 950 square feet in size. However, that concept has been abandoned.
According to architect David Takacs, the first step in the construction process will be replacing the windows at the rear of the property. This will be followed by refinishing the building's Broadway facade, which is frequently plagued by graffiti.
The building itself dates back to 1907, when it was the home of the Z. L. Parmelee Company, a manufacturer of gas and electric cixtures.
Update: Per the architect, the plan to convert the building to live/work apartments is no longer moving forward. The Parmalee Building will become office space instead.
- First Look: New Parmelee Lofts... (DTLA Rising)
- Historic Core Archive (Urbanize LA)