The City of Inglewood has kicked off the environmental review periods for new land use plans for development surrounding stations on Metro's Green and Crenshaw/LAX Lines. The process is being led by the Arroyo Group, a Pasadena-based planning and urban design firm.
Century/Imperial TOD Plan

The first, known as the Crenshaw/Imperial TOD Plan, could cover properties at the intersection of Crenshaw Boulevard and Imperial Highway, which is located less than a half-mile north of the Green Line's Crenshaw/I-105 Station. The surrounding area mostly consists of single family residences, with three large shopping centers located at the plan's namesake intersection. Inglewood hopes to bring improved streetscapes and pedestrian pathways to the area, making make it a more appealing southern gateway to the city.
Under the draft plan, the Crenshaw/Imperial intersection is imagined as a mixed-use center, accommodating mid-rise buildings with habitable spaces above active ground-floor uses. New construction in the area could range from five-to-ten stories in height, featuring multifamily residential units, office space, and retail. Maximum density would be restricted to 40 dwelling units per acre for lots under 20,000 square feet in size, 50 dwelling units per acre for lots between 20,000 and 50,000 square feet in size, and 60 dwelling units per acre for lots greater than 50,000 square feet. Additionally, parking requirements would enact a 1: 1 ratio per residential units, and two spaces for every 1,000 square feet of commercial space.
Lesser intense developments, with a maximum height of four stories, would be permitted along Imperial Highway running west from Crenshaw. Potential uses include apartments, office space, and retail, with a maximum of 1.5 parking spaces per dwelling unit and 2.5 parking spaces for 1,000 square feet of commercial uses.
To the south along Crenshaw Boulevard, the plan would allow for moderate increases in density, with buildings up to four stories in height. Existing open space would be maintained through form-based code requirements.

As part of the TOD plan, Inglewood envisions a new ring of open space surrounding the mixed-use center at Crenshaw and Imperial Highway. These would be connected to the street grid through improved landscaping, furniture, and corner plaza. Additional open space could be provided in the interior of larger development sites, which would be publicly accessible but privately controlled and maintained.
The mixed-use center would be linked to the Green Line station in the south via Crenshaw Boulevard, with the draft plan calling for new bike lanes, placemaking features, and landscaping along the corridor. A currently unused property created by an off-ramp from the I-105 freeway could also be reactivated as a public park.
Westchester/Veterans TOD Plan
At the west side of Inglewood, the City is considering a Westchester/Veterans TOD Plan which would govern land use and development surrounding the new Crenshaw/LAX light rail line, which is scheduled to open in 2019.

Westchester/Veterans Station, located at the intersection of Florence and Hindry Avenues, sits directly on the border between Los Angeles and Inglewood. The station area plan builds upon the current industrial surroundings, imagining a mixed-use zone featuring live/work apartments, hostels, breweries and light industrial uses, infused with public art. Mixed-use residential developments would rise on the outlying properties of the Arts Focal Area, with buildings up to six stories in height.
Moving south towards the proposed Crenshaw Line's proposed 96th Street Station, Inglewood proposes an airport campus zone at the intersection of Prairie Avenue and Arbor Vitae Street, featuring Moving south towards the proposed Crenshaw Line's proposed 96th Street Station, Inglewood proposes an airport campus zone at the intersection of Prairie Avenue and Arbor Vitae Street, featuring office space, industrial flex space, warehouses and other distribution uses. Buildings could rise to a maximum height of 65 feet, with two parking spaces required for every 1,000 square feet of development.
East of the San Diego Freeway, the Westchester/Veterans Plan proposes a mixed-use zone on either side of Manchester Boulevard. Buildings could rise to a maximum of five stories in height with on-site affordable housing, featuring office, residential and retail uses. Plans call for up to 1.5 parking spaces per dwelling unit and 2.5 parking spaces per 1,000 square feet of commercial uses.
Areas located northwest of the Crenshaw/LAX Line and the 405 Freeway would be transformed into a semi-industrial zone which could incorporate, office space, live/work dwellings, and potentially hotels. Buildings in this area would be restricted to four stories in height.
The Westchester/Veterans TOD Plan imagines streetscape improvements and new parks to improve access to open space for existing and future residents.
This includes:
- "Green Boulevard' along Manchester Boulevard, incorporating new street trees and protected bike lanes, connecting to similar improvements planned by the City of Los Angeles.
- New bike lanes along Hindry Avenue and Regent Street.
- Potentially closing Isis Avenue to create park space, supporting adjacent commercial developments.
- A triangle block park at Manchester and Olive Street.
- A public garden - currently unfunded - north of the Airport Campus area.
- A neighborhood-serving Florence/Ash Park adjacent to the San Diego Freeway.
- A complete sidewalk along Florence's freeway crossing.
- Repurposing a former freight rail bridge for pedestrian and bicycle connections.
- New pedestrian and bicycle connections across the freeway via Manchester, either as a new bridge or by widening the existing bridge.
The City of Inglewood will debate the proposed TOD plans through earlier 2018. A similar plan has already been adopted for Inglewood's Downtown.
- Inglewood Archive (Urbanize LA)