Initially conceived by developer Jerry Snyder during the 1980s office boom, Santa Monica's Water Garden is a collection of mid-rise buildings in a park-like setting surrounding an artificial lake. Soon, some of the property's open space could soon be repurposed for four-legged friends.
According to a presentation to the Santa Monica Architectural Review Board, a new dog park is slated to replace a planted area adjacent to the Water Garden's subterranean parking ramp facing 26th Street. Plans call for enclosing an approximately 2,300-square-foot space with low-rising concrete berms - lined with shrubs - preventing views from the public right-of-way.
Landscape architecture firm KSA is designing the project, which would maintain existing trees, but add new seating, concrete, and decomposed granite. Recessed lighting would be built into the new retaining walls surrounding the park, supplementing LED lighting under the new benches and lights mounted to surrounding trees.
A staff report recommends approval of the dog park.
- Santa Monica (Urbanize LA)