A staff report to the Santa Monica Architectural Review Board unveils the latest redesign of a proposed mixed-use apartment complex from WS Communities.
The proposed eight-story building, which would replace a small commercial structure at the northeast corner of 7th Street and Colorado Avenue, would contain 69 apartments - including 41 single-room occupancy units and 18 traditional flats - above 2,267 square feet of ground-floor commercial space. No automobile parking is planned.
KFA Architecture's latest design for the project refines concepts presented to the Architectural Review Board in May, according to the staff report. The latest iteration of the project addresses comments from Board Members regarding the building's roof trellis and corner element, trading a stucco exterior frame for metal and aluminum panels.
The staff report once again recommends that the project, called 701 Colorado, should be approved.
Per the terms of a settlement agreement between WS Communities and the City of Santa Monica regarding a threat of litigation over proposed single-room occupancy developments, 701 Colorado and five other pending projects have been guaranteed expedited processing. A final determination from the Architectural Review Board must be issued by June 27.
WS Communities is planning two other housing developments on adjacent properties along 7th Street and Colorado Avenue.
- 701 Colorado (Urbanize LA)