Another building at the massive West Los Angeles VA Campus is poised for a revamp as permanent supportive housing.

In a vote taken on September 16, the Los Angeles City Council approved the release of up to $17 million in multifamily housing revenue bonds for the adaptive reuse of Building 207.  The two-story structure, located at the intersection of Vandergrift and Bonsall Avenues, will be converted into 60 apartments - 59 of which would be reserved for formerly homeless veterans.

The bonds approved by the City Council will supplement approximately $8.2 million in Measure HHH funding already allotted to the project, as well as $5.7 million in funding from Los Angeles County.  The total cost of the development is estimated at more than $33 million, according to a 2019 application for state tax credits.

The Building 207 project is being developed by the West LA Veterans Collective, a joint venture between Century Housing, the United States Veterans Initiative, and Thomas Safran & Associates.

KFA Architecture is providing design services.

Two neighboring structures - Buildings 205 and 208 - are also poised to be converted into roughly 120 units of supportive housing using funds previously approved by the City Council.

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