A plan to upgrade the San Fernando Valley's G Line busway with grade separations and crossing gates is set to move to the construction phase in October, according to a new Metro staff report.

Rendering of a gated crossingMM/GF

The project, which was approved as part of the Measure M sales tax initiative in 2016, aims to speed up travel times and improve reliability on the 18-mile busway. When the plan was first unveiled, Metro had sought to build up to 35 gated crossings at street-level intersections along the route, while also grade separating crossings and stations at Van Nuys and Sepulveda Boulevards.

As construction costs have skyrocketed in recent years, Metro has narrowed its improvements to gated crossings at just 13 intersections, with improved signaling at the remaining 22 intersections. While grade separated crossings are still planned at Van Nuys and Sepulveda Boulevards are still planned, Metro will build to smaller overcrossings in lieu of the single viaduct originally planned. Likewise, plans to improve the adjacent bikeway have also been pared back by removing proposed lighting, bicycle parking, signage, and bollards from the original plan.

Pending board approval, Metro would set an approximately $668 million budget for the project, which would be covered by a combination of funded by a combination of state grant money and local sales tax returns.

Rendering of a gated crossingMM/GF

Construction of the project is expected to be completed by 2027 or 2028, in advance of the return of the Olympic games. The improvements to the G Line are expected to shave roughly 12 minutes of travel times for buses, which currently make the trip between Chatsworth and North Hollywood in approximately 50 minutes.

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