A City-owned parking lot in Larchmont Village could be repurposed as a neighborhood park, according to a motion introduced today by 4th District Councilmember David Ryu.
The approximately 12,000-square-foot property, known as Lot 36, is located at 209 N. Larchmont Boulevard. According to Ryu's motion, neighboring residents have already collected funds to "support the installation and management of the site," which could see the addition of a children's playground.
If adopted by the full Los Angeles City Council, the motion would direct the transfer of the parking lot's management from the Department of Transportation to the Department of Recreation and Parks. The transfer of jurisdiction could include all or just a portion of the entire site.
In making the case for converted the lot into open space, Ryu cited a 2017 study by the Trust for Public Land which found that Los Angeles ranked 74th out of 100 U.S. cities for park access.
- Larchmont Village Archive (Urbanize LA)