Construction has come to a close at a mixed-use apartment building across the street from Paramount Pictures.
The project, which replaced automobile repair shop at the intersection of Melrose Avenue and Beachwood Drive, consists of a five-story building featuring 52 apartments above 5,500 square feet of ground-floor commercial space. Parking for 76 vehicles is located in a subterranean garage.
Project entitlements included density bonus incentives permitting a larger structure than allowed under local zoning regulations. In exchange, five of the new apartments are to be set aside as deed-restricted affordable housing at the very low-income level.
Cuningham designed the apartment complex, which features an exterior of cement plaster, metal, and porcelain tile. A series of above the podium-level will be used to create are used to create a rooftop deck and a courtyard swimming pool.
The property's ground-floor commercial space is partially leased, according to a brochure.
Crescent Capital Partners, the developer, is also connected to a proposed hotel at the corner of Pier Ave and The Strand in Hermosa Beach.
- 5570 Melrose Avenue (Urbanize LA)