A local non-profit organization which promotes Taiwanese culture is planning to rebuild its headquarters as part of a mixed-use development featuring housing and commercial space, according to an initial study published by the City of Rosemead.
Rendered view looking southwest from Walnut GroveSLA Architects
The project site, a roughly one-acre property at the northwest corner of Garvey and Walnut Grove Avenues, is currently improved with a mix of small residential buildings, offices, and a 15,000-square-foot structure which is home to the Taiwan Center Foundation of Greater Los Angeles. The organization has controlled most of the land slated for redevelopment since 1999, according to Los Angeles County Assessor's Records.
The Taiwan Center is seeking city approvals to raze all existing structures to make way for a new four-story edifice which would add 42 condominiums, approximately 5,400 square feet of ground-floor retail space, and semi-subterranean parking for over 200 vehicles to the property. Additionally, the non-profit's operations would continue to function through the inclusions of a 5,500-square-foot community room at street level, as well as a 9,600-square-foot space on the second floor which would consist of offices, a library, a recreation area, and a meeting room.
Various angles of the proposed projectSLA Architects
SLA Architects is designing the Taiwan Center development, which is depicted in a series of contemporary renderings as a low-rise structure with a U-shaped footprint wrapping a rear-facing courtyard. Cantilevered balconies line the exterior of the building.
The project's initial study forecasts a completion date in 2022. That schedule is contingent on the approval of several discretionary entitlements by the City of Rosemead, including a general plan amendment, a zone change, and a conditional use permit. Additionally, the Taiwan Center has proposed to set aside seven of the condominiums for low-income households in exchange for density bonus incentives permitting relief from certain zoning rules.
3001 Walnut Grove AvenueGoogle Maps
More information about the project is available on the Taiwan Center's official website (if you can read Mandarin or trust Google Translate).