A vacant lot located just south of Sunset Gower Studios in Hollywood is slated for the construction of new housing, per an application submitted earlier this month to the Los Angeles Department of City Planning.

The project from Ruifeng Fan of Vesta Custom Homes, LLC, slated for a parcel at 1255 N. Beachwood Drive, calls for subdividing the approximately 7,500-square-foot lot to enable the construction of five single-family dwellings.

Street-level view looking southwestKU & Associates

KU & Associates is designing the proposed development, which would consist of four-story homes arranged in a row along a common driveway. Each would feature four bedrooms, a rooftop deck, and a two-car garage at street level.

A number of similar townhome-style developments have been built on the blocks surrounding Sunset Gower Studios in recent years, such as a project consisting of six homes two blocks to the east at 1301 N. Tamarind Avenue.

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