A shuttered Bed Bath & Beyond just north of LAX in Westchester is slated to give way to affordable housing through the Mayor's Executive Directive 1, according to a recent application to the Los Angeles Department of City Planning.

The proposed project from SCAH-LA, slated for a corner lot at 8820 S. Sepulveda Boulevard, calls for razing the shuttered store to clear the way for the construction of a new eight-story building featuring 333 studio and one-bedroom apartments atop subterranean parking for 52 vehicles and 1,825 square feet of ground-floor commercial space.

8820 S. Sepulveda BoulevardGoogle Street View

Requested approvals include density bonus incentives, taking advantage of concessions granted by state law to permit a larger structure than would otherwise be allowed by zoning rules applied to the site. The project is eligible, as all of the apartments would be reserved for rent by low- and moderate-income households save for units reserved for on-site management.

64North Architecture is designing 8820 Sepulveda, which is shown in plans as being composed of three interconnected apartment blocks separated by interior courtyards.

8820 S. Sepulveda BoulevardGoogle Maps

If the project sounds familiar to Westchester residents, there's a reason for that. SCAH-LA and 64North are also working on a neighboring project which would replace a surface parking lot directly to the east with affordable housing.

The proposed project is not the only dense development on the horizon for Westchester's commercial core. Senior housing is slated to replace a Staples office supply store one block north at 8704 S. Sepulveda Boulevard, and mixed-use building with more than 400 apartments is proposed at 6136 W. Manchester Avenue.

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