The industrial blocks of Wilmington which surround the Port of Los Angeles are hardly an active transportation paradise, but recent events at least seem to be making things a little bit safer for cyclists.

This month, the City of Los Angeles Bureau of Engineering released an initial study for a proposed widening of Alameda Street along a one-mile segment between Anaheim Street in the north and Harry Bridges Boulevard to the south. The project is largely intended to improve vehicular throughput, with plans for three travel lanes in both directions and a center turn lane, as well as upgrades to railroad crossings and new traffic signals.

However, in addition, the project would include the construction of a new two-way, off-street bike and pedestrian trail along the east side of Alameda Street. Plans also call for reconstructing the sidewalk along the southern side of Anaheim Street.

The new multi-use path along Alameda Street would offer a connection to the new bicycle infrastructure recently added to a 2.2-mile segment of Anaheim Street between Henry Ford Avenue (just east of Alameda) and Figueroa Street, which included a half-mile of protected bike lanes between Alameda and Eubank Avenue, Class II bike lanes between Eubank and Figueroa, and curb extensions, bicycle turn medians, and protection intersections at key locations.

The various elements of the project, of which the new bike and pedestrian path is just one, are expected to begin work in late 2023. Completion would occur roughly three years afterward.

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