In 2021, the City of Los Angeles moved to enter into an agreement with a development team pitching ambitious plans for a large property at Slauson Avenue and Wall Street in Florence. Four years later, the project is moving forward in revised form, shrinking its footprint and the amount of proposed housing planned in exchange for a larger public park.

The original project at 5867 S. Los Angeles Street - pitched by a joint venture between the Bakewell Company, the Michaels Organization, Capri Investment Group, and the Brotherhood Crusade - had called for the construction of multiple buildings containing a combined:

  • 280 "workforce" apartments;
  • 245 affordable units reserved for families and seniors earning between 30 and 80 percent of the area median income level;
  • a 60,000-square-foot central park space;
  • a new supermarket operated by Superior Foods;
  • business incubator spaces;
  • community centers;
  • shops and restaurants; and
  • parking for 565 vehicles.

Site plan for 5867 South Los Angeles StreetCity of Los Angeles

Included in that plan would have been a new home for the Brotherhood Crusade, which is located in an existing structure at 200 E. Slauson Avenue. However, a February 2025 report from the City Administrative Officer indicates that the development team and the City have been unable to identify funding for the remediation of the Brotherhood Crusade site. Given that change, space previously intended for the Brotherhood Crusade's new home will instead go toward a larger public park, for which the City has received Prop. 84 grant funding.

The revised project, as detailed in the staff report, would include

  • 300 units of family affordable housing; 
  • 10,000 square feet of multi-tenant commercial space; 
  • 10,000 square feet of non-profit offices; 
  • an approximately four-acre park; 
  • 20,000 square feet of other open space; and 
  • parking for 250 vehicles.

The report advises that the City Council should authorize staff to engage in negotiations with the remaining development partners - including Bakewell and the Michaels Organization - for a new 12-month period, with an optional 12-month extension.

The Slauson and Wall site came under the control of the City of Los Angeles in 2013 following the dissolution of the Community Redevelopment Agency.  The property sits across Slauson Avenue from Metro's Rail to Rail active transportation project, which is on track for completion in the near future.

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