A revised plan which would bring housing and commercial space to the corner of Sunset Boulevard and Everett Street in Echo Park has cleared the City Planning Commission.

On July 11, the Commission voted to approve a plan from Aragon Properties Corp. to build a pair of seven-story structures at 1185 W. Sunset Boulevard. They would feature a combined total of 327 studio, one, two-, and three-bedroom apartments above 9,462 square feet of ground-floor commercial space and parking for 263 vehicles.

View from Sunset and EverettKTGY

Project approvals granted by the Planning Commission include density bonus incentives to allow larger apartment complex than otherwise allowed by zoning rules. In exchange, Aragon would agree to set aside 41 of the new apartments as deed-restricted very low-income affordable housing.

KTGY is designing the project, called Sunset + Everett, which would be clad in stucco and fiber cement panels. The buildings would be designed with a modulated form, using setbacks and insets to create balconies and terrace decks for residents. Plans also call for a fitness room, a community room, and a lounge.

The project's environmental study suggests a 30-month construction timeline, commencing as early as the tail end of 2024 and conclude by mid-2027.

View looking northeast from Sunset and EverettKTGY

Aragon has sought for more than a decade to build on the site at Sunset and Everett, previously seeking approvals for a smaller 204-unit complex. Revisions to state law regarding the density bonus has enabled more generous incentives than were available at the time the original project was initiated, thus accounting for the larger size of the new proposal.

While the project may have ranked as the largest development planned for its immediate vicinity one decade ago, the Sunset + Everett complex is relatively diminutive compared to a trio of high-rise buildings slated for a property across the street once served as the headquarters of the Metropolitan Water District. However, that project was put on the market shortly after securing entitlements.

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